Friday, August 19, 2011

Will B Schools have to take off Business Ethics from their course structure?

If Jan Lokpal bill comes into existence, certainly yes!!! I say this because unethical behaviour in business will be history and a new course on marketing will have to be included! 

After going through a course in Business ethics I realised how business is all about cheating... the only difference is that the level of cheating sounds insignificant. This reminds me of confessions that Christians make before taking the Holy Communion. I shouldn’t be generalising but I personally don’t include sins like lying, fighting with parents, going to bed without praying etc in my confessions. I have gotten so used to all this that I feel like I am questioning the sanctity of the significance of confessions if I include these sins.

Likewise if you look at the business World there are n numbers of examples on how marketers have masked facts to sell their products; has there been a living example of a person who has become fair using ‘fair and lovely’? Koutons advertises in all its stores across India saying that they provide “50%+40% discount on all products”. Are the customers really getting 90% discount as they are made to believe? Lifebuoy soap says "Wash away swine flu germs" when the scientist across the globe are sitting in their labs to come up with a medicine!  If reputed companies like Unilever can come up with such false promises what is the case with other companies who don’t even have to worry about protecting their reputation. Clearly these are examples of dishonesty...

The Oxford dictionary defines corruption as ‘dishonest or illegal behaviour’. Does the Lokpal bill have a different definition for corruption? Or will companies like Unilever be on the pin point of Lokpal bill?
We can’t even say that the level of corruption is in a different scale in these cases because if we consider the kind of money large FMCG companies are making by selling their products through tactics is significant enough and considerable. We overlook such marketing practices because a lot of us believe what H.G Wells, a well known English Author once said “Advertising is legalized lying”.


  1. Well written and articulate. Great composition on thought :) And ya there are many dimensions to a circumstance and you beautifully got out one of them

  2. @ Kishanpuria, Did i finally sound serious?
    @ Ashwin, Thank you :) I really liked all the points Fr. Joe Arun also put forward in class today. I am waiting to see him in NDTV, debating!

    I certainly don't support corruption but just against what Anna Hazare is doing!

  3. My my Uma - an intense delivery from your side girl!!

    Thought I can also add to the hungama here - I was in Delhi these last two days myself and had to travel in and around the grounds where Hazare guys in hordes with their prominent hats and Indian flags were marching and shouting slogans. I had thoughts that were like two sides of the same coin:

    1) The enormity with which Indian youth from all walks of life came forward to raise their voice against whatever they were trying to support was interesting as youth are generally perceived to be non-serious and uninterested in general affairs.

    2) Wonder where the money from all these rallies are organzied comes from and wonder how clean and white are the bank statements of certain supporters of Hazare actually are.
    However, greatest irony of the entire saga is that individuals who are supporting Hazare both in presence and in spirit themselves accept bribes and give bribes to get things done and engage in various forms of corruption themselves.

    Wonder why then all the noise and theatrics??!!

    But then somebody gota get moving with these kinda stuff to get the population thinking at least. Hope some good comes outa all this.

  4. Moi:)

    Happy to know that you are back safe :P

    This is so far the most convincing article I read.

    I totally agree to the fact that there are pros and cons in this movement. Fighting against corruption is an excellent initiative however the mode of action is not appropriate.

    Have more reflections on this. Will discuss in detail soon :)

  5. nice post uma..i too agree with you...the mode of action was not good
