Sunday, February 14, 2010

So much for calculations!

Lately family and friends have been asking me if I have been reading inspirational books or adopting “religious” methods of speech...
For a second I wondered why!
At a second thought I realized how life has changed and how people have started noticing the change in me...
Earlier, almost every page in my note book had calculations... Yes I did math in college... but the calculations I am talking about is not from calculus! But calculations on the probability of clearing the wait list I managed to enter as part of the placement procedure in college, Calculations on the chance of getting a 1st division as my aggregate in college and calculations and calculations on what I will be, when!
Racked my brain to fill my book with these calculations...however my calculations worked and I got the job, managed a 1st division and entered a life of certainty!
But this certainty was short-lived!
I lost my job even before I could even say “I am an Analyst!” ...Had to put an end to my beautiful life in Mumbai and relocate once again! So much for my calculations! Dragged myself through sleepless nights and horrifying days wondering where I went wrong with my calculations!
Nothing exceptionally good happened for me to be happy again... I just promised myself to not make another calculation or try to control my life. I decided to take life as it comes and just be happy by counting the positives!
Now, I don’t believe in calculations! Que Sera sera... What will be.. will be...
Today, I am at peace! My life is not based on calculations anymore... I realize that acceptance is the only way to happiness!


  1. i think i agree....we want the control and then when things dont happen the way we would have liked it to happen,we lose faith even in ourselves, forget about the other faith in life.take life as it comes...i couldnt agree more!we have had this you know what i think.keep it going..

  2. Hey Uma... Welcome to the Blog world... Nice Blog... Really a very good read... I used to be like you only during my engineering days before life gave me a jolt... The key is to be happy and think positively... Nice blog...

  3. Nishant,

    Knowing the person you are I can't believe you had a past where you were like me! I am really hopeful now :)

    Thanks for reading and commenting


  4. Stop calculating!
